Das bin ich
Mascha Makasha
Born in 1987 in Moscow, Mascha, originally named "Schuk," moved to Germany at the age of three and spent most of her time in southern Germany.
Since 2011, she has been working as a freelance artist, graphic designer, and photographer.
Since 2018, she has participated in various workshops led by Alex and Allyson Grey and Amanda Sage.
During the years of the pandemic, she held her first online exhibitions with the artist collective "Vision Train." This was followed by exhibitions and workshops in Germany, Portugal and Austria. Today, Mascha works on independent projects and hosts online and offline seminars on topics such as inspiration and creativity, Mischetechnik from Ernst Fuchs, and oil painting.

Why I paint
Painting has brought me closer to my deepest essence. What I would call the "Divine" feels tangibly present when I completely surrender myself to the artistic process.
From birth, we are each a unique and utterly individual expression of a mysterious intelligence. I call this intelligence the divine consciousness or spirit, or even the divine source that each person carries within themselves and truly is.
We can choose to let this intelligence within guide us and allow our lives to blossom, for we have never left paradise. Painting is a way to connect with this inner source and expand the scope of our consciousness into realms beyond imagination.

My story
As a child, I was fortunate to be primarily raised by my grandmother, who engaged me in creative activities from an early age. By the age of three, I was already painting mandalas and figures from the stories we read together. Thanks to this early encouragement, I developed a deep bond with art. Throughout my childhood, my favorite subjects were the heroes from TV shows and movies, though I was also drawn to exotic fantasy creatures and strange worlds. Even then, I was fascinated by the work of Salvador Dalí.
Many of my friends from school and later training remember me as someone who was always sitting somewhere, painting or drawing. I constantly carried a sketchbook, and if I didn’t have one, I’d doodle on napkins and beer mats in bars. I always felt a need to visually express my inner feelings in the moment. However, these attempts were often accompanied by deep self-doubt and self-criticism, eventually leading to frustration and resignation when the Art Academy in Stuttgart rejected my application for a program.
Since I had studied graphic design and enjoyed photography, I decided to work independently and had many wonderful photography projects where I could still incorporate my artistic sensibilities.
After a few years, I had completely stopped painting. I simply lost my connection to it, though I felt a deep longing within me for the colors and shapes that would flow from my hand.
One day, life gifted me a unique glimpse into another state of consciousness. Through a deep trance state during a plant ceremony, I reconnected with the magical world from my childhood. My adult understanding of the world shattered, and I found myself floating in a void. This experience was both terrifying and exhilarating, as it opened up a vastness within me that had long been forgotten.
"End of the Orbit"
2019 Acryl auf Platte
Dieses Bild entstand nach meiner ersten mystischen Erfahrung. In diesem Moment sah ich die Partikel und Einzelteile, aus denen alle Materie besteht, als geometrische Grundformen, die sich mit jedem Atemzug neu bildeten und die Formen in der Welt zusammen setzten.

In the period that followed, I experienced amazing and magical things that shape and define my life to this day. I attended the Transpersonal Conference in Prague, where I met great artists like Alex and Allyson Grey, Martina Hoffmann, and Stanislav Grof. Right after this significant event, I was able to join a weekend workshop with Alex and Allyson Grey, which laid the foundation for who I am as an artist today.
The workshop was, for me, the definitive beginning of my artistic and spiritual journey.
Alex and Allyson led a guided dream journey accompanied by shamanic drumming. This inner journey brought me directly to what I would describe as a deity in form. The energy of the drums was subtle, but powerful enough to completely open my heart and bring me into the realm of the deep unconscious.
I had a moving and loving conversation with this divine being that I saw before me, in which I asked how I could always stay connected to it. It pointed to a blank canvas, and in my mind, I heard its voice: "Art is your path to me. You will see me in your images. Paint me in every form that appears to you. When you paint, you are with me."
I then took up my pen and drew what I saw and felt inside. That sketch later became an acrylic painting that will always remind me of this meaningful and precious moment, carrying its power with me.
This experience revealed to me that an inexhaustible divine source can be found within all of us.
I took the words from that divine conversation to heart and embarked on the adventurous journey of becoming a visionary artist, a journey that continues to this day. Since then, I have been fortunate to learn from and observe some of the visionary masters of our time. I continue to share more stories and the progress of my artistic journey on my blog.

Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach neuen, spannenden Möglichkeiten.
+49 (0) 152 5341 9683