Art Collective on Zoom

Enter the realm of creative inspiration and connect with
like-minded individuals from various art disciplines worldwide.
We invite you to participate in our online artist gatherings. Together, we exchange ideas, paint to music, and showcase our works.
The Zoom room serves as a virtual open studio where each participant engages in their own creative endeavors using materials of their choice. The Zoom meeting is intended as an open artist gathering where people with diverse styles and directions come together to inspire one another.
Participation is free and unlimited. Donations are welcome.
Dates will be announced in our Telegram group and newsletter.
Everyone is welcome—artists, art enthusiasts, collectors, and creatives from various fields.
Our aim is to create a communal space that facilitates networking and the realization of both online and offline projects. We seek to support artists and creatives in their creative processes and pass on the culture of painting and visual inspiration to those interested.
Then please stop by at the next meeting.
We look forward to seeing you.
The next meetings are on April and May
Participation and registration takes place online via Zoom. Every user must be registered with Zoom to participate.
Here you can find the link for direct participation:
Your support
If you would like to support our project, you are welcome to make a donation via Paypal. For account transfers, contact me via email Thank you for your support!